Vol 1, No 1 (2017)


5-11 411

Review of discovery and investigation of isotopes of elements 113-118 produced in the reactions of48Ca with target nuclei238U-249Cf is presented. The synthesis of the heaviest nuclei, their summary decay properties, and methods of identification are discussed. The radioactive properties of the new nuclei give evidence of the significant increase of the stability of the heavy nuclei with rise of their neutron number and approaching magic number N=184.

12-18 417

The energy dependence of total cross sections of reactions6He + Si and6,9Li + Si in the beam energy range 5-30 MeV/nucleon has been measured. An agreement with the published experimental data for the reaction 6 He + Si was obtained. For the reaction9Li + Si new data in the vicinity a local enhancement of the total cross section was obtained. Theoretical analysis of possible reasons of appearance of this peculiarity in the collisions of nuclei6He and9Li with Si nuclei has been carried out including the influence of external neutrons of weakly bound projectile nuclei.

19-24 422

The NUSTAR Collaboration will perform experiments with relativistic exotic nuclei and superheavy elements at GSI and FAIR. Presently, several new FAIR detector systems are under construction for high-resolution spectrometer experiments, decay spectroscopy, reaction studies with internal and external targets, and for experiments with stopped and re-accelerated beams. Due to the delayed start of the FAIR project, the new FAIR detectors will be used at GSI with beams from the existing accelerators (UNILAC, SIS-18/ESR) and set the scene for new experimental avenues, not existing so far. The planned intermediate research program and the new opportunities are outlined.

25-29 395

Experimental cross sections for formation of isotopes 44,46 Sc - in reaction ( 3 He + 45 Sc), 46 Sc - in reaction ( 6 He + 45 Sc), 65 Zn - in reaction ( 3 He + 64 Zn), 196,198 Au - in reactions ( 3,6 He + 197 Au) have been analyzed within the TDSE approach for the external neutrons of 3,6 He, 45 Sc and 197 Au nuclei. Fusion-evaporation was taken into account using the NRV evaporation code. Results of calculation demonstrate overall satisfactory agreement with the experimental data

30-34 381

Results for fusion and breakup fusion reaction ( 6 Li+ 194 Pt) are presented and compared with other experimental data and model calculations. A strong isotopic effect is observed when comparing our data with results from ( 6 Li+ 198 Pt)

35-40 373

We demonstrate that the radii of excited nuclear states can be estimated using the (3He, t) charge-exchange reaction and relying on the modified diffraction model.The radius of the 13 N excited state with an excitation energy of E*=2.37 MeV,which lies in a continuous spectrum, is determined. The radius of this state proves to be close to that of the mirror 3.09-MeV state of the 13 C nucleus, which possesses a neutron halo but lies in a discrete spectrum. Thereby, we demon- strate that the 2.37-MeV state of the 13 N nucleus has a proton halo. The analysis is based on published measurements of differential cross sections for relevant reactions.

41-47 391

This paper presents a case study of targeted modification of the structure and properties of zinc nanotubes ordered arrays by treatment with Xe+22 and Kr+17 swift heavy ions (SHI). Polyethylene terephthalate track-etched membranes (PET TeMs) with a pore density of (4 × 10 9 ) ions/cm2 have been used as a template for electrochemical deposition of Zn. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive analysis have been used for a comprehensive elucidation of the dimensionality, chemical composition of the synthesized samples. Dynamics of changes in the crystallite shape and orientation of NTs before and after irradiation has been studied by X-ray diffraction. Changes in conductive properties as a result of irradiation were discussed. After Xe+22 ions irradiation with a fluence of (1×1011) m-2 or higher, the formation of loose areas in the structure of Zn NTs as a result of partial degradation of the crystal structure and, consequently, a decline in conductivity are observed. In case of Kr+17 ions, the increase in current conduction with the increase in fluence may be due to the increase in the current carriers.

48-51 417

One of the main conditions for the transition to hydrogen energy is development of reliable, high-performance and cost-effective fuel cells, in which chemical energy is converted directly into electrical energy. The advantages of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are: high electrical efficiency (50 - 60)%, in cogeneration with thermal energy the efficiency may reach 90%, and high operating temperatures (700 - 900 °C), which allows us to use practically any hydrocarbon fuel.

52-57 450

The contribution of mobile phones influence on electron spin resonance (EPR) spectra formation and electromagnetic noise signal for accuracy of dose estimation on example of tooth enamel samples measurements was investigated for low dose range. The spectra of irradiated tooth enamel samples in doses from 0 to 500 mGy have been measured. The spectra have been processed by mathematical fitting of model spectrum by least square methods. Standard deviation from nominal doses and uncertainty of dose estimation were determined. The noise level has been estimated in spectra by rest sum after model spectra fitting. Enamel samples were measured in 3 conditions: 1) during day from 9-17 o ’ clock; 2) during day from 9-17 o ’ clock with mobile phone. After 17 o ’ clock and in Saturday and Sunday from 9-17 o ’ clock (this suppose no any noise signal contributed to spectra). It was shown that the biggest uncertainty of dose estimation have been received in day time with mobile phone in on position. Standart deviation is decrising after 5PM with off mobile phone. Noise level in spectra measured after 5PM was less in comparison with spectra measured in day time.

ISSN 2522-9869 (Print)
ISSN 2616-8537 (Online)