
The Journal "Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials" is published on the basis of the Eurasian Institute of Physics, Energy Research and High Technologies at L.N. Gumilyov ENU. The Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials was founded in 2017 in cooperation of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan) with the Republican Public Association  “Physical-Technical Society” (Astana, Kazakhstan) and the International Intergovernmental Organization  “Joint Institute for Nuclear Research” (Dubna, Russian Federation). The main goal of the journal has been to provide authors with the opportunity to publish and discuss the results of research on nuclear and particle physics, materials science, radiation ecology and alternative energy. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

The Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials is included in the List of publications recommended by the Education and Science Control Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activities. Starting from 2020, it is indexed in indexed in Scopus and included in the Russian Science Citation Index database on the Web of Science platform.

The editorial board of the journal Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials is guided in its work by the international ethical rules of scientific publications, including the rules of decency, confidentiality, supervision of publications, consideration of possible conflicts of interest, etc. In its activities, the editorial board follows the recommendations of the Ethics Committee (Committee on Publication Ethics), and in particular the Elsevier Publishing Ethics Resource Kit, as well as the valuable experience of authoritative international journals and publishing houses. Compliance with the rules of the ethics of scientific publications by all participants in this process contributes to ensuring the authors' rights to intellectual property, improving the quality of publication sin the eyes of the world scientific community and excluding the possibility of misuse of copyright materials in the interests of individuals.

The editorial team of the Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials agrees with the ORI (Office of Research Integrity) about definition of plagiarism, and considers plagiarism to include both the theft or misappropriation of intellectual property and the substantial unattributed textual copying of another's work. To avoid copying information all article submissions are checked at

Current issue

Vol 8, No 1 (2024)
6-13 392

Analysis of the nuclear physics experiment often requires Monte Carlo simulation of the detector setup. Such kind of simulations often requires a quite advanced model of nuclear interaction. In this work we describe application of Monte Carlo simulation in the nuclear physic experiment, and discuss on example of elastic scattering how to apply well known High Energy Approximation (or Glauber model)
to Monte Carlo simulation of the experimental setup.

14-22 393

CuxCrSe2 materials can exist in the form of delafossite with a layered structure and exhibit multiferroic properties, or in the form of spinel and exhibit ferromagnetic properties, depending on the copper concentration. The stability of both forms of CuxCrSe2 has been studied with regards to defectivity in the copper sublattice. The boundaries of the CuxCrSe2 homogeneity regions for the delafossitelike structure and for the cubic spinel CuCr2Se4 were determined by coulometric titration at room temperature. Analysis of the time dependence of cell polarization allowed us to estimate the diffusion coefficients in these materials.

23-32 319

The effect of modified epoxy resin with polyurethane, silicone, and butadiene rubber and combined reinforcement with fiberglass and Kevlar on the strength properties of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic was studied. It was found that when rubber is introduced into the composition of the epoxy resin, polyurethane, and combined reinforcement according to the carbon fiber/Kevlar scheme in a ratio of 10:10 leads to an increase in impact strength by 42% to 273 kJ/m2 and compressive strength increases by 35% to 575 MPa.

33-44 282

The nature of the impurity emission and the process of creating intrinsic and impurity electron-hole trapping centers were studied by spectroscopic and thermal activation methods in Na2SO4-Pb and K2SO4-Pb phosphors. The combined radiative electronic state is formed from intrinsic SO3−4 - SO4 and impurity Pb+-SO4 electron-hole trapping centers in UV-irradiated phosphors with a photon energy of 6.2 eV at 80 K. Emissions of 3.2 eV and 3.6 eV resulting from irradiation with photons with an energy of 6.2 eV are associated with intracenter transitions of 3p1 - 1s0 in Pb2+ located in nonequivalent positions of the Na2SO4 lattice.

45-51 309

The paper presents experimental results of concentration polarization and ionic conductivity of nanocomposite thermoelectric materials K0.01Cu1.94S, K0.02Cu1.94S , K0.03Cu1.94S . According to X-ray phase
analysis, the synthesized samples are monoclinic jarleite Cu1.93÷1.97S with an admixture of oxygen oxide Cu2S and monoclinic chalcocyte. High values of total ionic conductivity are observed, ranging from 0.86 to 1.5 Cm/cm. The lowest ionic conductivity (0.86 Cm/cm at 355 ◦ C) is observed for alloy K0.02Cu1.94S . In addition, it was found that with an increase in the concentration of potassium in the studied materials, ionic conductivity tends to decrease, activation energy increases, but the characteristics of ion transport remain high, corresponding to superionic materials.



Website updates

In August 2021, a competition was held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve the quality of journals. Our journal was also among the winners of the competition. As part of the activities based on the results of the competition, we are carrying out the following work.

  1. Currently, work is underway to qualitatively update the site of the journal.
  2. Thanks to the funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the journal gained access to the Publons reviewers database. From Vol 5 No 4 2021 all articles are Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials are double-blind peer-reviewed using the Publons platform.
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