
About the Authors

D. Ibadullayev
Joint institute for nuclear research; The Institute of Nuclear Research
Russian Federation


Yu. S. Tsyganov
Joint institute for nuclear research
Russian Federation


A. N. Polyakov
Joint institute for nuclear research
Russian Federation


A. A. Voinov
Joint institute for nuclear research
Russian Federation


V. G. Subbotin
Joint institute for nuclear research
Russian Federation


M. V. Shumeiko
Joint institute for nuclear research
Russian Federation


L. Schlattauer
Palacky University
Czech Republic



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For citations:

Ibadullayev D., Tsyganov Yu.S., Polyakov A.N., Voinov A.A., Subbotin V.G., Shumeiko M.V., Schlattauer L. . Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2022;6(1):18-31.

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