
NUSTAR experiments on the way from GSI to FAIR


The NUSTAR Collaboration will perform experiments with relativistic exotic nuclei and superheavy elements at GSI and FAIR. Presently, several new FAIR detector systems are under construction for high-resolution spectrometer experiments, decay spectroscopy, reaction studies with internal and external targets, and for experiments with stopped and re-accelerated beams. Due to the delayed start of the FAIR project, the new FAIR detectors will be used at GSI with beams from the existing accelerators (UNILAC, SIS-18/ESR) and set the scene for new experimental avenues, not existing so far. The planned intermediate research program and the new opportunities are outlined.

About the Author

C. .. Scheidenberge
GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung


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For citations:

Scheidenberge C... NUSTAR experiments on the way from GSI to FAIR. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2017;1(1):19-24.

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