
Ionizing radiation as a powerful tool for modification of metallic nanostructures


This paper presents a case study of targeted modification of the structure and properties of zinc nanotubes ordered arrays by treatment with Xe+22 and Kr+17 swift heavy ions (SHI). Polyethylene terephthalate track-etched membranes (PET TeMs) with a pore density of (4 × 10 9 ) ions/cm2 have been used as a template for electrochemical deposition of Zn. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive analysis have been used for a comprehensive elucidation of the dimensionality, chemical composition of the synthesized samples. Dynamics of changes in the crystallite shape and orientation of NTs before and after irradiation has been studied by X-ray diffraction. Changes in conductive properties as a result of irradiation were discussed. After Xe+22 ions irradiation with a fluence of (1×1011) m-2 or higher, the formation of loose areas in the structure of Zn NTs as a result of partial degradation of the crystal structure and, consequently, a decline in conductivity are observed. In case of Kr+17 ions, the increase in current conduction with the increase in fluence may be due to the increase in the current carriers.

About the Authors

K. K. Kadyrzhanov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

A. L. Kozlovskiy
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

A. A. Mashentseva
Institute of Nuclear Physics
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kadyrzhanov K.K., Kozlovskiy A.L., Mashentseva A.A. Ionizing radiation as a powerful tool for modification of metallic nanostructures. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2017;1(1):41-47.

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