
For citations:

Artemenkov D.A., Bradnova V..., Gustova M.V., Ivanov O.M., Kattabekov R.R., Mamatkulov K.Z., Rusakova V.V., Sabelnikov A.V., Zaitsev A.A., Zarubin P.I., Zarubina I.G., Ambrozova I..., Kakona M..., Luzova M..., Ploc O..., Turek K..., Firu E..., Haiduc M..., Neagu A..., Stanoeva R... Toward ternary fission accompanied by the8Be nucleus. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2019;3(1):71-83.

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ISSN 2522-9869 (Print)
ISSN 2616-8537 (Online)