
Highlights of the day-one experimental program at the gamma-beam system of ELI-NP


The emerging experimental program with brilliant gamma beams at the Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics facility (ELI-NP) is presented with emphasis on the prepared day-one experiments. Ex- periments at ELI-NP will cover nuclear resonance fluorescence measurements, studies of large-amplitude motions in nuclei, photo-fission and photonuclear reactions of astrophysics interest, and measurements of photonuclear reaction cross sections. The physics cases of the flagship experiments at ELI-NP and the performance of the related instruments, which are under construction for their realization, are discussed.

About the Author

D. L. Balabanski
Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering


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For citations:

Balabanski D.L. Highlights of the day-one experimental program at the gamma-beam system of ELI-NP. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2019;3(1):18-23.

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