
Additional arguments in favor of true quaternary fission of low excited actinides


Specific linear structures in the region of a big missing mass in the fission fragments mass correlation distributions were revealed due to effective cleaning of this region from the background linked with scattered fragments. One of the most pronounced structures looks like a rectangle bounded by the magic nuclei. The fission events aggregated in the rectangle show a very low total kinetic energy. We propose possible scenario of forming and decay of the multi-cluster pre-scission configuration decisive for the experimental findings.

About the Authors

D. V. Kamanin
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

A. A. Alexandrov
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

I. A. Alexandrova
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

Z. I. Goryainova
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

E. A. Kuznetsova
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

A. O. Strekalovsky
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

O. V. Strekalovsky
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

V. E. Zhuchko
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

Yu. V. Pyatkov
National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
Russian Federation

A. V. Tomas
National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
Russian Federation

V. .. Malaza
University of Stellenbosch
South Africa


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For citations:

Kamanin D.V., Alexandrov A.A., Alexandrova I.A., Goryainova Z.I., Kuznetsova E.A., Strekalovsky A.O., Strekalovsky O.V., Zhuchko V.E., Pyatkov Yu.V., Tomas A.V., Malaza V... Additional arguments in favor of true quaternary fission of low excited actinides. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2019;3(2):139-144.

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ISSN 2616-8537 (Online)