
Dynamical Approach for Synthesis of Superheavy Elements: Fusion Mechanism and Nuclear Structure


To synthesis of superheavy elements, the shell structure is very important not only in the stability of nuclei, but also the fusion process, especially the cold fusion reaction. We employ the Langevin equation with the microscopic transport coefficients and calculate the fusion cross section for the reaction70Zn+208Pb→278Cn. In the dynamical process, the effect of nuclear structure is discussed.

About the Authors

Y. .. Aritomo
Kindai University

N. .. Liyana
Kindai University

B. .. Yanagi
Kindai University

H. .. Hachikubo
Nagoya University Furo-cho


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For citations:

Aritomo Y..., Liyana N..., Yanagi B..., Hachikubo H... Dynamical Approach for Synthesis of Superheavy Elements: Fusion Mechanism and Nuclear Structure. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2019;3(3):197-203.

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