
Reserach of the mechanic-tribological characteristics of Ti3SiC2/TiC coatings after annealing


This article investigates the influence of thermal annealing on microhardness and wear resistance of the surface of steel U9/Y9 protected by a composite coating Ti 3 SiC 2 /TiC obtained by detonation sputtering. Thermal annealing was performed in the range of temperatures 700-900 ◦ C during 1 hour. Following annealing the formation of TiO 2 and an increase in the phase content of Ti 3 SiC 2 are observed. Higher microhardness was obtained in coatings subjected to annealing at 800 ◦ C, which can be explained by an increase in the content of carbonized titanium. As the annealing temperature rises further, the thickness of the oxide layer increases, leading to a decrease in the microhardness for the coatings annealed at 900 ◦ C. According to the results of tribological tests, formation of the oxide increases wear resistance of Ti 3 SiC 2 /TiC composite surface coatings.

About the Authors

D. B. Buitkenov
East-Kazakhstan State University

B. K. Rakhadilov
East-Kazakhstan State University

Zh. B. Sagdoldina
East-Kazakhstan State University

D. .. Erbolatuly
East-Kazakhstan State University

S. .. Amanzholov
East-Kazakhstan State University


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For citations:

Buitkenov D.B., Rakhadilov B.K., Sagdoldina Zh.B., Erbolatuly D..., Amanzholov S... Reserach of the mechanic-tribological characteristics of Ti3SiC2/TiC coatings after annealing. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2020;4(1):86-92.

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