
About the Authors

A. A. Shaimerdenov
The Institute of Nuclear Physics


D. S. Sairanbayev
The Institute of Nuclear Physics


Sh. Kh. Gizatulin
The Institute of Nuclear Physics


N. K. Romanova
The Institute of Nuclear Physics


M. T. Aitkulov
The Institute of Nuclear Physics


M. Sh. Tulegenov
The Institute of Nuclear Physics


Zh. T. Bugubay
The Institute of Nuclear Physics


S. A. Baitelesov
The Institute of Nuclear Physics



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For citations:

Shaimerdenov A.A., Sairanbayev D.S., Gizatulin Sh.Kh., Romanova N.K., Aitkulov M.T., Tulegenov M.Sh., Bugubay Zh.T., Baitelesov S.A. . Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2022;6(1):38-46.

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