
Setup for the study of the paramagnetic resonance of neutrons of the first kind


The experimental setup KOLKHIDA has been designed to study the interactions of polarized neutrons with polarized nuclei, in particular to study the neutron nuclear precession (nuclear pseudomagnetism) and also for studying magnetic properties of crystals. The investigation has been performed at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR.

About the Authors

M. I. Tsulaia
Andronikashvili Institute of Physics

D. B. Berikov
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

I. M. Salamatin
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

Yu. D. Mareev
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

Yu. N. Kopatch
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Federation

K. Sh. Zhumadilov
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University


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For citations:

Tsulaia M.I., Berikov D.B., Salamatin I.M., Mareev Yu.D., Kopatch Yu.N., Zhumadilov K.Sh. Setup for the study of the paramagnetic resonance of neutrons of the first kind. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2018;2(1):23-31.

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