
Ecologically safe experimental purpose application of microwaves in the treatment of chronic neurological disorders: optimization and risks


Current paper describes the experimental dual-purpose application of microwaves in a controlled clinical trial on optimizing therapy for chronic neurological disorders. As a part of integrated treatment, low-intensity microwave-assisted blood modification has been used. It represents a physiotherapeutic method based on the autologous blood transfusion (self-blood treatment) after the short-term exposure to microwaves ( lambda = 7.2 mm). Because of beneficial clinical impact of the microwave autohemotherapy previously observed, we aimed to find a possible way to track a manifestation of nonthermal microwave effects. For this purpose, we have applied a microwave single-frequency ( lambda = 7.6 mm) dielectrometry technique as a tool for blood sensing. Also, we used the osmotic fragility test to detect the membrane-receptor activity level using patients’ red blood cells before and after the course of therapy. Our preliminary results have shown an enhancement of blood cell reactivity and a clearly defined tendency to normalizing parameters under study in those patients who received the integrated treatment. By analyzing the data obtained by different methods, we have revealed that characteristics are well correlated.

About the Authors

K. .. Arkhypova
O.Y. Usikov Institute for Radio-Physics and Electronics NASU

A. .. Nosatov
Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital No 7

M. .. Nurushev
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

P. .. Krasov
O.Y. Usikov Institute for Radio-Physics and Electronics NASU

A. .. Fisun
O.Y. Usikov Institute for Radio-Physics and Electronics NASU

A. .. Nurusheva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


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For citations:

Arkhypova K..., Nosatov A..., Nurushev M..., Krasov P..., Fisun A..., Nurusheva A... Ecologically safe experimental purpose application of microwaves in the treatment of chronic neurological disorders: optimization and risks. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2018;2(2):151-158.

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